Martin's Yard

NE/23/01277/FUL | Conversion of two attached disused agricultural barns to a residential dwelling (use class C3). | Martins Yard High Street Twywell Kettering NN14 3AH

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TPC responded to North Northants Planning Department with 'We have no opinion on the matter  - however residents at a recent committee meeting expressed concerns over the run off water effecting the bottom part of the village. Currently we suffer with the drains being maintained. 

The pumping station is not coping; effluent is being expose into the brook along the allotments (pictures can be supplied).  Villagers feel that more properties, and the ones yet to be agreed within the village, will lead to limited grounds to soak up an oversubscribed  drainage area.  As a flood assessment been considered?'

Letter received from North Northants Planning Department issued on 28.02.2024 saying 'Please note that the application has now been WITHDRAWN by the applicant and no further action will be taken on its determination'.