
NE/23/00962/OUT | Residential Development of 2No 4-bedroom single storey dwellings (All matters reserved except access) Re-submission of NE/22/01327/OUT | Gordonville Slipton Road Twywell Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3AH

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TPC responded to North Northants Planning Department with 'We OBJECT to this application for the following reasons:

o Twywell is a restricted infill village, this site is not considered infill and is outside the confines of the village.
o The site is located in an area of important views as set out in the Twywell conservation plan.
o Parts of the village can suffer with drainage problems.
o Highway safety - The access is very close to a right angle bend, traffic can drive fast through the village and the access is just inside the 30mph limit.
o We would like to refer you to the highways concerns and that the 'visibility display' falls short of the required 48m.
o The site has ecological value. The proposed application could cause harm to protected species or their habitat, for example breeding birds and bats, we also understand great crested newts. 

Refusal notice received on 07.05.20204 from NNC